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Saturday, December 3, 2011

A variety pack for your enjoyment

Ok well kendel beat me to the blog update this time, so get your detailed Kendel and Shep studio update (lots accomplished last Thursday) here at
So since she beat me to the punch this time,  I offer up instead a small collection of various things for your enjoyment
1. A video from studio (we recorded banjo I wanted to get in the mood so I busted out the wife beater. Embarrassing Kendel was just an added bonus).

2.  A short update of things accomplished in studio
I. Banjo for a song
II. Whispers for a song (Our friends Jackson and Ben joined in the fun)
III. Recorded the crackling of an old Bing Crosby Christmas album
IV. Recorded background vocals for There Was a City
V. Recorded Electric Guitar for a song-probably my last guitar part which is bittersweet
VI. Recorded an added piano part for a song-probably Kendel’s last piano part

3. A few lyrics that I wrote the other night. About a week ago I wrote a song. I’m going to be a jerk and only show you the chorus, but I haven’t shown this to ANYONE yet, so you should still feel very very special and important!
I want to take your troubles
As my own
Put em on my shoulders
And take them home
The tears, scars, and fears
From all your days
So give me your troubles
And be ok

4. A topic I’d like your input on. I was talking to some friends tonight about “Spotify” and I’m thinking about doing a little more research and then writing about it. What are your thoughts? Do you use it? Do you like it? Do you think it’s ethical? Just a note, you can comment on and follow the blogs by just using your google account you don’t need to be a blogger yourself! Pretty cool right?

1 comment:

  1. What the heck is "Spotify"? And just as a note, I didn't create a blog just to follow yours. I created my blog to get my own work out there, but I firmly believe that two artists can share their work peacefully between each other, don't you? By the way, nice chorus. I wonder what the rest of the lyrics say. Please read my blog, Shep!
