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Saturday, December 10, 2011

Studio Update #2

Ladies and gents it is time for a studio update. Kendel did the last one so I guess it’s my turn this time. We spent last night and this afternoon hard at work over at Ember Records. Kendel and I both tend to be very self-critical. Perfectionism is a blessing and a curse. If you want to torture us, lock us in a room with one of our songs playing on repeat. We always want to improve things and make them better, BUT the crazy thing is…..after Friday night…….we actually liked what recorded. We actually enjoyed listening to our own music it was very strange. All that just to say, we like what we’re hearing and we really think you will too!
Anyways, here’s what the days looked like.

Last night Kendel and I both recorded background vocals for Lemon Tears. Recording vocals at night is THE BEST thing in the world. There’s no one around, it’s quiet, and dark. For me, the key to laying down a good track is being relaxed. So, last night I put on my lumberjack flannel shirt, drank a bucket of tea, dimmed the lights, emptied my pockets, (today I took off my shoes too), and then actually got around to singing.  Kendel laid down her vocals afterward and everything came together incredibly. It sounds even better in reality then it did in my head.

Today we added some Groupooos (Not to be confused with Groupies) to Lemon Tears. Kendel also added a little extra instrumentation to one part of the song just to give it more punch. We put so much thought and effort into small parts and details that in all honesty you might never hear. But all those little details really do make a difference. Even if you will never hear the distinct part, I guarantee you will feel the energy that the part captures and conveys, which is what really matters.

After Kendel was done with instrumentation we did a little dance and yelled a lot to celebrate finishing our first song (see video posted below). These last two weeks we’re just working on the last final details of each song. We will be putting the final touches on each song over the next couple weeks.
Finally, I recorded Background Vocals for Fight On. I took of my shoes and emptied my pockets but things still got off to a little bit of a rocky start. Nevertheless, with lots of good feedback from Beethoven (Ben) things started rolling and I was able to lay down the track.

Well that’s it for now. BUT we should be in studio three times this upcoming week so expect a ton of progress and maybe even some more ridiculous videos.  Enjoy the snow and get some Christmas shopping done!

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