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Latest jam- Energetic Indie Rock from a Vampire Weekend Pandora station

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Just shep

I think it fitting that I take my first blog to explain why you are reading these Why a blog? Am I really a blogger? Has it come to this? This blog is just a place where I can keep friends, family, and fans updated on music and life. In the last month we've played several shows on the road and had our first out of state show. I loved being on the road and cannot wait to travel more. Nevertheless, it made me think a lot about the importance of being connected to everyone back home. This blog will be a way to share the experiences of the road, shows, and the studio with everyone.

Recording has been an incredibly long road, but it has been a whirlwind at the same time (a year long tornado of chaos and awesomeness). People are always asking me where we are at in the process, how things are going, when the CD will be done etc. It will be nice to have a way to keep you all posted on everything.

I also will be able to share all the little moments that I am crazy excited about. For example, I am pumped today because we had two new friends come in and record strings (cello and violin) for a song. They sounded absolutely amazing. I'm excited and now you can be too!

I also plan on sharing song ideas and little bits of lyrics as I write them. I write songs often but I rarely actually finish them. The blog will be a way to share them with you (since you so rarely get to hear any of them). It might also motivate me to put the time into finishing another song or two.

The best songs I have ever heard have been drenched in passion and honesty. I don't want to just share words and melody with you, but to strive to share the heart and drive behind it all. Sometimes I will write about the thoughts, emotions, and experiences in life that motivate me to write songs and play shows.

Expect everything that is part of who I am, rants about coffee, thoughts about life, lyrics, random questions, band updates, short jokes, and all kinds of cheeky ridiculousness. This isn't me trying to act famous or like I'm a big deal. I am and will always be just shep. Love to all


  1. I would just like to say that this may be the only blog i keep up with it sounds exciting

  2. This is an amazing blog, Shep. And it is so you. I hope you'll keep us updated on what is going on. Plus, as a writer, I'd like to see examples of your writing. Please check out my blog too, Amanda Panda! Hope you update soon.
